Sunday, December 4, 2011

Book Review: Code Complete, 2nd Edition

Code CompleteCode Complete by Steve McConnell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book provides a solid foundation of the things you need to “construct software”, as the author describes it, and covers a very broad topic.

The author isn't shy about referring the reader to additional reading materials; in fact, that’s a big part of the book and I love it!

The book goes over things that were barely mentioned, if at all, in my college courses. Things like: debugging, refactoring, measuring code complexity, when the right time to optimize code is and whether it even makes sense to optimize it. The author does a good job of showing different approaches to solving problems and gives many examples of “good” versus “bad” practices.

On the surface this book is similar to The Pragmatic Programmer, but goes in to a lot more depth. The book goes well with Clean Code.

View all my reviews